
Preah Vihear National Authority plants saplings in the conservation area of the Preah Vihear temple
Preah Vihear National Authority plants saplings in the conservation area of the Preah Vihear temple

The Department of Environment, Forests and Water of the National Authority of Preah Vihear on July 26, organized a tree planting event in the conservation area of the Preah Vihear temple resort, with a total of 700 saplings, including rosewood, thnong, beng, and Trabek Prey, which are threatened and ornamental trees.

The tree planting event was attended by Khou Ieng Huot, Deputy Director General of the National Authority of Preah Vihear, officials of the National Authority of Preah Vihear, 50 students, together with the principal of Hun Sen Srah Kdol Secondary School.

During a meeting with students, Ieng Huot said that the National Authority of Preah Vihear always pays attention to forest management and reforestation in order to turn this degraded area into a forest. To date, more than 78,000 saplings of 35 species have been rehabilitated in the area.

The Deputy Director General of the National Authority of Preah Vihear said that the forest provides many values to people, such as a variety of by-products to support the daily life of our community. Therefore, participation in the protection and restoration of degraded forests is the most necessary factor. This program is part of educating students in the World Cultural Heritage area to love the natural landscape and culture, as well as to participate in the protection of the forest together under the slogan “Temples and forests are resources, tourism, culture, history and nature.”

Meanwhile, Chheang Pisal, Deputy Director of the Department of Environment, Forestry, and Water, said that the reforestation in this protected area requires the participation of all of us, and the students who came to plant trees now reflect on their participation in the protection and conservation of all these natural resources to promote universal value to the temple and biodiversity. AKP

