
Locations for free public screenings of opening and closing ceremonies of the 32nd Southeast Asian Games announced
Locations for free public screenings of opening and closing ceremonies of the 32nd Southeast Asian Games announced

The Phnom Penh Capital Administration has announced 7 locations that will broadcast the opening and closing ceremonies of the 32nd Southeast Asian Games on giant LED screens

Phnom Penh Capital Administration states that the screenings will take place on the 5th of May 2023 and May 17, 2023.

The live broadcasts will takje place from from 6:30 pm until the end of the ceremony at the following locations:

1 : Garden in front of Wat Botum Vatey in Sangkat Chaktomuk, Khan Daun Penh

2: Riverside park in front of Metro Restaurant in Sangkat Phsar Kandal I, Khan Daun Penh

3: In Borey Peng Huoth, Boeung Snour, in Sangkat Niroth, Khan Chbar Ampov

4: Snguon Chbar Mittapheap Near the Ministry of National Defense, located in Sangkat Mittapheap, Khan 7 Makara

5: Park in front of the Forest and Wildlife Research and Development Institute in Sangkat Kork Khleang, Khan Sen Sok

6: Preah Neang Prachha Barami Park, located in Sangkat Chroy Changva, Khan Chroy Changva

7: Field Democracy near the Russey Keo flyover is located in Sangkat Russey Keo, Khan Russey Keo.

The Phnom Penh Capital Administration hopes that all the people in Phnom Penh will support this live broadcast in large numbers and rejoice, because this is a historical event that the Kingdom of Cambodia has been waiting for for 64 years
